Workshop Overview
In addition to our field expedition, Diversity of Nature also hosts several free in-school workshops. Our workshops are led by our BIPOC graduate student teachers studying Biology or Oceanography at Dalhousie University. We focus on reaching classrooms with high BIPOC student representation, so that these students can see themselves reflected in leadership positions.
Our in-school workshops vary from year to year, depending on our graduate student cohort. If you would like to book a free biology or oceanography related workshop for your classroom, led by a BIPOC researcher, please feel free to contact us.

In-School Workshop Listing
Here are some workshops we offer, but we are happy to collaborate with educators to make fun, customized programmes at appropriate grade levels.

Applying to University
Melanie Massey and Suchinta Arif
This workshop is aimed at students in Grade 12 (and possibly 11) who are looking to apply to university. The focus will largely be on applying to STEM programs, but teachers or principals are welcome to submit lists of students' chosen universities and programs in advance.
Workshop leaders will give a brief talk, and will be able to discuss navigating the university system as a BIPOC with students. They will also be able to go over requirements and deadlines with students, as well as review materials (such as resumes and application essays).
Grade level: 11-12
Duration: 1-1.5h
Time: After school or during class

Scientific Illustration
Melanie Massey
Where do art and science meet? How does observation allow us to be better scientists? This workshop will explore the history and techniques of scientific illustration, providing students with interesting scientific specimens (bones, corals, plants) to draw, as well as materials (pencil crayon, charcoal, watercolor, papers).
Grade level: 3-9 (suggested)
Duration: 1-1.5h
Time: Class time before/after lunch + lunch time, or after school
Capacity: 25 students